Congratulations to Robyn Begley, DNP, RN!

Congratulations to Robyn Begley, DNP, RN!

Congratulations to Robyn Begley, DNP, RN, who begins this week as the new CEO of the American Organization of Nurse Leaders (AONL) and the CNO of the American Hospital Association (AHA).

Kirby Bates Associates is especially proud to have been chosen by AONL and AHA and their Search Committee to facilitate their process and find the best possible candidates for this vital leadership role.

KBA Executive Vice President of Executive Search, Jane Fitzsimmons, MS, RN, led the effort.  She comments, “A talented group of national nursing leaders stepped forward to consider the challenge of leading AONL and AHA into the future. We were inspired by the vision and achievements of all the leaders who engaged in the process.”

“We were impressed by the thoughtful deliberations of the AONL/AHA Search Committee who selected Robyn Begley. Robyn brings a clear vision ‘to engage nurses who are leaders’ to achieve AONL’s mission: To shape health care through innovative and expert nursing leadership. Our congratulations and best wishes to Robyn as she begins her new role.”

In her own words, Robyn reflected on being inclusive and engaging nurse leaders. “In addition to being inclusive from the traditional perspective of race, gender, etc., AONL/AHA needs to be relevant and to advocate for all leaders who are nurses.

We need to communicate what and how AONL and AHA are working and advocating on their behalf to influence the transformation of healthcare. We need to motivate and inspire the energy of all nurses who lead. We need to acknowledge and promote the great work of nursing leaders and recognize the value of the incredible brain trust of these leaders.”

We couldn’t agree more, Robyn.

Motivate and inspire through nursing.

Join us in congratulating Robyn Begley, DNP, RN, on this new role via LinkedIn. Comment or share your message and include hashtag #CongratsRobyn.

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Revised on 6/6/19