One of the more significant ways to assure the future stability of any healthcare organization is to pass down core leadership competencies to the next generation of healthcare executives. Knowledge transfer, whether through sponsorship and mentorship programs or otherwise, is one of the keys to developing internal talent and assuring the future of the leadership [continue reading…]
Leadership Development
Promoting CNO and CFO Synergy Achieves Healthcare Goals
As pressure mounts to improve clinical and operational results, Chief Nursing Officers (CNOs) and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) work together to align the organizational imperatives—both as a provider of quality and safe patient care, and as a fiscally responsible business. Joint accountability through synergistic relationships is required to transcend the organizational stressors inherent in today’s [continue reading…]
The Difference Between Mentorship and Sponsorship
Mentorship and sponsorship are two concepts that have multiple purposes and vary in their usage. A university mentor could be a professor who helps a promising student find scholarship opportunities, whereas a career mentor could be a coworker who offers advice on ways to grow your career. While sponsorship and mentorship are admittedly similar, [continue reading…]
Maximizing Executive Success in the First Year
According to Michael Watkins, professor at International Institute for Management Development (IMD), “On average, 25% to 40% of new hires are either terminated, self-selected out of the new position or assessed as not meeting expectations (disappointing performance) after six to twelve months in the new position. Some organizations report even higher rates.” Watkins also emphasizes [continue reading…]
The Courage to Lead: Building Resilience
By Pamela Hunt, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN There is currently much written about resilience, but for those in leadership, finding personal resilience without first understanding, the need for courage will lead to personal conflict. In this article, we discuss how healthcare leaders can find the strength to demonstrate courageous leadership every day and why It’s [continue reading…]
4 Ways to Elevate the CNO-CFO Relationship
As senior management team members, CNOs and CFOs work together to provide and manage care clinically and financially. A collegial relationship and knowledge and insights that each party needs for operational, strategic, and organizational success are essential. Today’s most successful nurse executives clearly understand how the CNO areas of responsibility impact the organization’s overall [continue reading…]