What is Compassionate Care in Nursing? According to a systematic literature review in 2016 published by the National Center for Biotechnology, “Compassion originates as an empathic response to suffering, as a rational process which pursues patients’ wellbeing, through specific, ethical actions directed at finding a solution to their suffering. We therefore define the term [continue reading…]
Patient Experience
Emerging Role of the Chief Population Health Officer
By Dennis J. Kain, MHA, FACHE, former Senior Vice President (retired) Why Hospital Systems Are Now Hiring a New Type of C-Suite Leader The shift from a fee-for-service model to a focus on community wellness, increasingly known as population health, is re-defining healthcare as well as the competencies required of a successful leader. Organizations thriving [continue reading…]
Applying 5 Principles of Persuasion to Improve Physician-Patient Engagement
Have you ever thought about how much healthier your patients would be if they just followed their caregivers’ instructions? It’s a frustration that virtually all caregivers feel because the consequences of patients’ non-compliance are very real in terms of morbidity and mortality, not to mention costs. Within the last decade, patients have become active participants [continue reading…]
Building Cultural Competence in Healthcare Organizations
The recent COVID-19 pandemic serves to underscore the growing body of evidence confirming racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare access and clinical outcomes. The Institute of Medicine Report, IOM, (2004) states that diversity among healthcare professionals is associated with improved access, provider-patient communication, and patient satisfaction. As the knowledge and understanding of these relationships grow, [continue reading…]
Keys to Providing the Best Patient Experience: Employing the Platinum Rule in Healthcare
Chances are you’ve heard of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. But are you aware of the Platinum Rule? The Platinum Rule is a reflection of the evolution of the times: Do unto others as they would want to be done to them. The Golden Rule is [continue reading…]
Gerry Biala, The Healthcare Executive’s Guide to Navigating the Surgical Suite: A Roadmap to the OR and Perioperative Services
Chapter 1: “Unique Challenges from Surgical Services” Part III by Gerald E. Biala, MSN, RN, CNOR, CSSM, Senior VP of Sullivan Healthcare Consulting and Therese A. Fitzpatrick, PhD, RN, FAAN Published by Sigma Did you miss the previous installments? Read Part I here and Part II here. This book provides experienced and novice [continue reading…]
How to Maintain Empathy in Healthcare
What it means and why it matters. Showing empathy in healthcare is an important driver of patient satisfaction. Communication is the key – both receiving and sharing information. As a member of the healthcare team, the quality of your communication with patients should be consistent and aim to build relationships with patients and [continue reading…]